Shakedown 2.0?

This is my second test blog where you'll find news and opinions on the latest happenings surrounding the internet, technology, entertainment, et. al.
Why the name? "Shakedown" is a period of testing or trial journey undergone by a ship, plane or other craft before declared operational. 2.0 simply because it's my second trial blog [see the first blog here]

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catching up

It's been awhile now since i last posted on my first blog. I've been busy changing the scripts and modifying the layouts of my main bread and butter. And now that they're finished and running I decided to get back and try my luck on blogging once again.

If before I'm running the site from a computer rental/internet cafe, now I'm able to update it through my "newly-bought-second-hand-slightly-used-but-still-looks- newly-bought" Samsung Sens P29 laptop.. so expect frequent posts on this blog. I'm using an LG KU250 (cheap 3G) to connect to the internet and so far it's doing fine.. besides I don't really need a super fast connection right now, just enough so that I can update my sites and that i can watch some wrestling videos on YouTube.

I still have a lot of catching up to do, reviews here, internet news there, latest tech stuff here, attach some widgets there, adsense here, <*ehem*> adsense there. Time to fill this site up, and time to start subscribing to Shakedown 2.0 now :)

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