Shakedown 2.0?

This is my second test blog where you'll find news and opinions on the latest happenings surrounding the internet, technology, entertainment, et. al.
Why the name? "Shakedown" is a period of testing or trial journey undergone by a ship, plane or other craft before declared operational. 2.0 simply because it's my second trial blog [see the first blog here]

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Yahoo to Microsoft's offer -- it's not enough!

Yahoo! Inc., owner of the second most used Internet search engine, rejected a $44.6 billion takeover offer from Microsoft Corp. as too low, pressuring the world's largest software maker to raise its bid.

After evaluating the proposal, the board unanimously concluded that the proposal didn't adequately compensate shareholders for Yahoo's global brand, large audience and future growth prospects, and that it undervalues Yang's company.. according to a Yahoo statement.

Microsoft later said in statement late Monday that it was “unfortunate” that Yahoo had not embraced its offer, and reiterated that it may “pursue all necessary steps to ensure that Yahoo’s shareholders are provided with the opportunity to realize the value inherent in our proposal.”

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